How to Open the Same Links Every Time you Start the Browser?

Usually, when you start your web browser, then sometime you will notice its version of a start page or the last opened web pages. And if you have any definite web pages that you visit whenever you open your browser, then you can set those pages to open automatically on definite tabs.
Below, we will provide you with how to open the set of web pages whenever you start your browser in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.


To open the same set of web pages at any time you want to start Chrome. Then follow the below given steps:
1.       Firstly, open the web pages that you want to separate.
2.       Now, click on the Chrome menu icon. It is placed in the right corner of the window.
3.       Choose Settings.
4.       Under the On startup section, choose “Open a specific page or set of pages.”
5.       Now, click on Use current pages.
6.       Currently, all tabs are opened, excluding the Settings tab, as it is already added under Open a specific page or set of pages option automatically.
7.       Click on “Add a new page” link to add more pages in the list manually.
8.       Enter the “URL” to add on the “Add a new page” dialog box.
9.       Hit the “Add” tab.
So here the process is completed, and finally, next time when you open Chrome, then your selected web pages automatically opened on separate tabs.
And for removing the URL from the list, follow the steps:
1.       Click on the three dots. It appears to the right of the URL.
2.       Choose the Remove


Firefox always supports the multiple home tabs, by which you can easily open multiple of web pages whenever you open Firefox.
To set up the URL for your home tabs, you need to follow few simple steps:
1.       Firstly, open all the web pages that you want on the separate tabs.
2.       Next, click on the Firefox menu icon. It is located at the right corner of the window.
3.       Now, choose Options.
4.       On “General settings” page, under the “When Firefox starts,” select “Show your home page tab.”
5.       In the Home page, click on the Use Current Pages. Basically, the URLs for the open web pages are added to the Home Page box, which is separated by the vertical bars.
6.       Typing on a vertical bar, you can also add more URLs manually.
Finally, the process is completed. Now easily use the Firefox with multiple of web pages.
For removing a URL from the list of Home pages,
1.       Select the URL in the box.
2.       And click to delete it.


1.       Firstly, on the separate tabs on Opera, hold the pages you want to open when Opera starts.
2.       Then, click on the Opera menu icon. It is located in the left corner of the screen.
3.       Once ensure the Basic settings screen is active.
4.       Alternatively, under “On Startup,” click on “Open a specific page or set of pages.”
5.       Now, click on Set Pages tab.
6.       On the Startup pages dialog box, click on “Use Current Pages” tab.
7.       Additionally, the URLs from all the open tabs except the settings tab are automatically added to the Startup pages dialog box.
8.       Click on Add a new page, add more web pages by entering URL manually.
9.       Hit Enter.
10.    Click on the OK
For removing the URL from the list of Startup pages, you need to follow below given steps:
1.       You need to move your mouse cursor over the URL.
2.       Click on X, display to the right of URL.

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